Category:1993 films
Category:Films scored by Anu Malik
Category:1990s Hindi-language films
Category:Indian drama films
Category:Indian filmsQ:
Use of auto_ptr in C++
In my program I am using objects of the class some_object that are contained in containers. These containers are released in the destructors of objects of class some_object. Some_object manages some_object instances using "pointer to" rather than pointers and does the following in its destructor:
delete the_object;
Then, some_object is constructed again and the_object is destructed. If I had a pointer to the_object instead of an object of class some_object, how would I release the the_object?
I think it should be similar to this:
delete *ptr;
If I am wrong, I would be glad if you could tell me.
You need to use a smart pointer. Auto_ptr is the standard C++11 version, and, while it's a bit simpler to use, it's also more prone to leaks. The standard library has a number of alternatives. For example:
You can use any kind of pointer, but you need to delete the pointer somehow.
Push notification for iOS not working
I am following the steps in this link:
For iOS I am following this tutorial:
But I am getting the following error when sending notification.
For Android, I am getting the following error:
Can any one help me?
Here is my resolved response for push notification for iOS.
We need to use following SDK:
Ruby on Rails:
gem 'apns'
gem 'aws-s3', require: 'aws/s3'
npm install --save-dev apns-client-push
controller_sig = %x{ be359ba680
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